Sunday, August 16, 2009

Untld: The Loveless

She said if I loved her she'd know it
If I felt it I'd show it
But I just said these things to please her
clear her mind
Ready and willing to ease her Pussy lips on the ones between my nose and chin.
Never thought she'd want the love
Not from me
Not like this
Didn't know she didn't know I didn't feel like that.
Didn't know she really thought I loved her back...
Then again
Don't think she really did
She just wished really hard
Wished she could remodel me into the prototype of anyone other than the loveless person that I am...
And I can be nothing more
Than who I am...
Without wanting to be that for myself.


  1. cant trick love.
    great read!

  2. damn.. I think we've all been in this position before. both ends of the continuum either wanting to be loved or not loving the one who needs our love. it brought back memories. good stuff

    - fattymunchkins.

  3. you already know i love your writings.. but this one, to me, really fits you.. when i read this.. i can hear you saying it. loved it
